Category: Uncategorized

Anne Margaret Patchett

Passed away 22nd August, the funeral took place 7th September 2020

Stephanie Lomas

Passed away 21st August 2020, the funeral took place 3rd September 2020

Peter Jeffrey Brown

Passed away 18th August 2020, the funeral took place 4th September 2020

Betty Butterill

Passed away 4th August, funeral took place 18th August 2020

William Arthur Gwilliam

Passed away 12th August 2020, the funeral took place 20th August 2020

Roy Maxwell

Passed away 9th August, funeral took place 20th August 2020

Sheila Sullivan

Passed away 5th August 2020, funeral took place 21st August 2020

Cyril Collier

Passed away 4th August 2020, funeral took place 17th August 2020

Donna Joule

Passed away 3rd August 2020, funeral took place 12th August 2020

Vera Mitchell

Passed away 29th July 2020, funeral took place 11th August 2020