Current Funerals

Bernice Clark

Bernice passed away on the 23rd December 2021. For all funeral enquiries contact us on 01298 813165.

Elizabeth ” Betty ” Mellor

Betty passed away peacefully on the 19th December 2021, aged 95 years. Her funeral took place on the 14th January 2022.

Hazel Smith

Hazel passed away peacefully at home on the 8th December 2021, her funeral took place on the 22nd December 2021.

Eric Burton

Eric passed away on the 3rd December 2021, his funeral took place on the 16th December 2021.

Alan Atkin

Alan passed away peacefully on the 2nd December 2021, his funeral took place on the 23rd december 2021.

Derek Alfred Arnfield

Derek passed away on the 30th November 2021, aged 77 years, his funeral will take place on Friday 17th December, 9.15am at Macclesfield Crematorium. masks to be worn inside the crem please.

Stuart James Mantle

Stuart passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on the 29th November, aged 47 years. His funeral will take place on Tuesday 21st December 2021, 12.30pm at Buxton Methodist Church. All welcome, CHRISTMAS JUMPERS must be worn and masks to be worn inside the church please. Donations in lieu of flowers to…
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Jennifer Ann kidd

Jennifer passed away on the 29th November 2021 aged 75years. her funeral will take place on Monday 13th December 2021,10am at Macclesfield Crematorium, all welcome, masks must be worn inside. Donations yet to be decided.

Patricia Mary Taylor

Patricia passed away on the 19th November aged 84 years, her funeral took place on the 8th December 2021

Christine Owen

Christine passed away on the 14th November, aged 78 years, her funeral took place on the 2nd December 2021